Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First blogpost persuasion to join the herd! :D

“A television show that creates a fandom is something great, a television show that creates a lifestyle is something greater.” I am here to tell you about a show that has sprung in early October 2010, that at first seemed just seemed like “just another crappy cartoon” or even worse “another crappy cartoon intended for 5-year-old girls.” However, after only a few hours after its’ first episode it created a huge fan base known as “bronies” There are easily over 20,000 bronies worldwide (as an under-exaggeration) , and tons of new people continue to join the herd every day. This Television show is known as “My little Pony: Friendship is Magic!”   Now to be perfectly honest I would have never gotten into this show if it wasn’t for a friend of mine telling me to watch it. Because, well why anybody over the age of 8, especially males be watching a show like that? Well there are actually tons of reasons. For one the show actually has a lot of effort and planning put into it. You can tell just from the quality of it that the creators actually care about making a worthwhile thing to watch, the sad thing is that it is currently extremely rare for any show (Not just cartoons) to have that kind of care for it. The animation is above average, and doesn’t strain the eyes, I’m not sure about the shows’ frame rate, but it has to be somewhere over 75 fps. The entire thing is done in adobe flash. It all looks really nice especially the artwork, the artwork is just amazing I don’t know how to explain it really. And I’m just getting started, the series is episodic meaning that each episode has its own little storyline and each episode isn’t a continuation of the previous one (Except for S1E1, S1E2, S2E1, and S2E2.) And for having to think of all of that, the episodes have legitimately interesting and amazing storylines. Each one will keep the audience interested no matter what demographic they belong to. Another thing that REALLY gets people into the show is the character development. Starting from S1E1 all the way to S2E2, the characters develop and learn from their mistakes, they aren’t “Perfect” and have their own faults (That’s a good thing). The creators of the show actually care about its older demographic and give things like little shootouts and things like that! The Humor is actually funny and there are a lot of jokes that kids probably wouldn’t get. (Like “The punch has been spiked”) AND THAT’S JUST THE SHOW!!! The fan base is really cool too but I won’t get into that because we would be here for a few hours! However with a show this good there has to be a couple negatives about it, those negatives are.
1) The amount of hate the show gets.
2) It IS a little kids show
3)4chan likes it. (The big one)
But other than that it is a really good show and I recommend that you watch it! Here are a few recommendations for episodes to start with:
The pilot (I would recommend this for the start because it introduces characters and stuff, but this episode and episode 2 are probably the corniest things you’ll ever see, and aren’t the best episodes to represent the show, in other words, (If you don’t like the two pilots then don’t judge the show until you’ve seen one of the other ones below):
Fall weather friends (My favorite season 1 episode, has lots of jokes and rainbow dash (and anything with rainbow dash is 20% cooler! D):
The show stoppers (This one got one of my friends into a brony, it does have some pretty good moments and focuses around the cutie mark crusaders rather than the mane 6):
Party of one (A LOT and I mean A LOT of people like this one, probably because pinkie pie goes crazeh, pretty good episode all around):
Season 2 pilot (One of, if not, THE BEST episode to start with (And it’s part 2) Much better than the season 1 pilots, and this season is off to a really good start!  (This one was also highly anticipated)
So I think that you should totally give the show a try aside from the title, and look of the show. I promise you would love it, because it’s my favorite TV show! And you should definitely try it, I mean, unless you’re insecure about your manhood, or an arrogant, immature, child that doesn’t give a crap, and for the 0.0000002% chance you actually don’t like SOMETHING about the show, well what did you lose besides 22 minutes of your life?

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